
Sleep Apnea Dental Device (VIVOS)

Posted by West Lake Dentistry Jun 28, 2022

This is a thumbnail image of blog Sleep Apnea Dental Device (VIVOS)

What is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes you to temporarily stop breathing throughout the night. It can be caused by a blocked airway, which interrupts breathing while you sleep.

1. OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) – OSA is caused by a blocked airway, often caused when the soft tissue in the back of the throat collapses. This leads to loud snoring, gasping, and / or choking during sleep.

2. CSA (central sleep apnea) – CSA is caused by the brain failing to signal the muscles to breath. This often occurs when the brain isn’t able to send signals to the muscles, like it does for OSA.

3. Mixed sleep apnea – Mixed sleep apnea is a combination of obstructive and central sleep apnea. This means the airway is partially blocked and the brain fails to signal to breath.

What is VIVOS?

VIVOS is an oral appliance that reinforces the jaw to help keep the airway open during sleep. The device is custom-made and worn during sleep.

What are the advantages of VIVOS?

The VIVOS device is a small, custom-made, removable oral appliance that is worn while you sleep. It’s BPA-free and composed of medical-grade silicone.

This device is non-invasive, which means no surgery is required. It’s also comfortable, and is placed over both your upper and lower teeth.

This device is most effective at treating mild to moderate sleep apnea.

What happens after VIVOS?

Once you have your sleep apnea dental device, your dentist will schedule a follow-up appointment. You’ll have X-rays taken in order to check the device’s fit. Your dentist will also show you how to properly clean and care for the device.

What is the cost of VIVOS?

The cost for VIVOS is highly variable and depends on a number of factors.

First, your dentist will consider several factors when determining your cost for VIVOS, including:

• If you already have a CPAP machine

• If your dentist will provide your dental appliance

• If your insurance company will cover the cost of your dental device

What dental problems can VIVOS correct?

Other than snoring, sleep apnea can also cause patients to feel tired throughout the day, have difficulty concentrating, experience headaches and wake up frequently during the night. All of these symptoms can be very disruptive in a person’s life, and can affect their personal and professional lives.

What is cost of

April 11th, 2019

How much does the sleep apnea dental device cost?

The cost of dental care depends on a variety of factors. In addition to your dental plan and coverage, the type of treatment you receive impacts how much you’ll pay.

The cost for the FDA-approved sleep apnea dental device is $3,000 per jaw ($6,000 for both sides). This includes the device and the manufacturer’s one-time fee.

The device is not covered by dental insurance at this time. However, many dental practices partner with the manufacturer to offer payment plans to their patients. Check with your dentist for more information.

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